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Welcome to West Luna - Chapter XII

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February 13, 2007

  • My longest chapter yet. The first one where I had to be concious of the word length to keep within the limits I wanted to set for myself in terms of maximum length. Why worry about maxium length? Well... one thing that I like is consistency. When I write my chapters, I don't just look at the content of the words, which is important, but I also look at the shapes of paragraphs and the chapter as a whole. It needs to [i]look[/i] nice. That's how I came up with the idea of adding a document of some kind to the end of each chapter. Text by itself isn't all that catchy when you look at the chapter. This is online, and not a real book, so the visual aspect is important. Another reason, which also has to do with it being online, is that for the most part, this is being read on computer monitors. It's hard to read on regular computers monitors for extended lengths of time. I've tried reading full novels on monitors, and it creates aches in all kinds of places, and creates stress on the eyes if read for too long.

  • I love how everything came together with this chapter. I didn't orginally think of having Tom as the customer that Melfina almost sells the Tome to. It was just going to be a random character. And as for Reba, well... I was always going to have animosity between her and Melfina, but she was originally going to be a neighbor from her past, and at the last second, I realized how much better it would be if she also ended up being the one who ends up living in Melfina's old house. For the specifics for that part of her past... well... you'll just have to keep on reading. =P

  • 07-26-2009 - I didn't start recording my revisions until after I was into Volume 2, so I'm guessing a new default starting point for all Volume 1 chapters to be at 1.50. Rewrite to version 1.80. A lot of small changes, with a couple slightly extended paragraphs to clear things up. One alteration in the beginning to very loosely tie the beginning to the end. A net change of -21 words to 1,980.

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